Qing Dynasty - the China's Strong Root that the "Asian 
Traitors" were Unable to Cut off
What kind of country is the Qing Dynasty? We will find sure 
answers from analyzing a small anecdote, a historical episode, 
and a major event. The anecdote was a brief encounter 
between a Qing Dynasty judge and Wang Jingwei. The episode 
was Li Hongzhang's military strategy against Japan during the 
1896 Jia-Wu Sino-Japanese War. The major event was about 
how the Qing Dynasty handled opium.
    In the first anecdote, in answering to the calls of 
revolution, Wang Jingwei participated in the bombing of a 
royal carriage and was apprehended on site. 
    Before being beheaded, he wrote: "It is great to have led 
the knife upon my neck, so I can worthily sacrifice my youthful 
head" for my country and people. 
The presiding judge over this close-shut case of a head 
chopping for treason was so impressed with his poem and 
eloquent composure decided to let him go. 
The fact that a country possessed such an attitude, showed 
that country cared for the people, especially in the 
self-sacrificing way of cherishing the future pillars of the 
country. Here the Qing Dynasty affirmed its conviction that 
the country can perish, but the people must live on.
Later, Qing Dynasty's boycotting Westernization and 
barbarism, delegating power to the generals of the Han 
ethnics, and finally, through Manchukuo, even accepted the 
same-root-culture Japan in the management of the country, 
demonstrated the grace of the Chinese characteristics and 
amply expressed its benevolence toward all lives under 
Then,if we looked at the warlords who have overthrown Qing 
Dynasty. Their despicability reaffirmed the nobleness of the 
Qing Dynasty. Therefore, the "Republic of China"(ROC) that 
Sun Yat-sen and Chiang Kai-shek established on a cut-out 
piece of land within the territory of Qing Dynasty's China was 
not China, but a camouflage of a process to destroy China.  
ROC never really entered the First and Second World Wars as 
it claimed.  ROC only entered a war in which it sold out the 
country - a "Resisting Asia, Aiding the West" war, but calling it 
the "Resisting Japanese" war. Therefore, we must abolish all 
international treaties agreed upon by ROC with the Western 
powers.  And China and Asia should regard ROC as an enemy 
country, which should be the true identity of Taiwan today.
Mao Zedong inherited the great achievement of Zeng 
Guofan's suppression of the Christian Taiping Heavenly 
Rebellion.  Mao's liberation was China left by the Qing 
Dynasty, and it was by no means the "Republic of China". 
China must recover all Qing Dynasty's territory and reach the 
same high plateaus of prosperity and military might as the hey 
days of Qing and Ming Dynasty's Zheng He period.
In the second episode, although the attitude of Empress 
Dowager Cixi still favored culture over science and technology 
and even over sovereignty, Li Hongzhang's attitude was that 
science and technology was more important than sovereignty, 
though culture still ranked number one. Therefore, during the 
Jia-Wu Sino-Japanese War, Li Hongzhang and Japan's attitude 
was covertly similar. That is, the big brother of Asia, China 
may not be able to protect Asia anymore. So, the 
Sino-Japanese War was a practical test to see if Japan could 
take over the task.
This was also how history has recorded : "The Japanese army's 
attack on the Qing government was a completely mad-man's 
behavior. It was risking the future of Japan to carry out a 
gamble with very low winning odds."
Therefore, Li Hongzhang's attitude toward Japan was not 
burdened by history, nor did it carried any prejudice against 
Japan, especially when he was convinced that the West was 
the absolute common enemy of Asia, and the difference 
between Manchu and Japan was not so significantly different, 
but it all depended on who was more qualified for the role of 
rescuing Asia.
In fact, Japan also has also expressed such an idea during 
World War II. The main point of Ishihara, the advocate of 
Asianism, was that "the historical leader, China, was no longer 
able to lead the yellow race in East Asia to defeat the white 
Was China really that bad? Opium had turned us into the sick 
men of East Asia, and Western barbarism's democracy, 
freedom, equality and religion have also made us a mutual 
exploiting pile of loose sands. Even today, men's habits of 
smoking and drinking have made them transform their 
inferior complexes into self-proclaimed superior complexes. 
So don't even bother thinking about going to wars, even 
soccer is best not to go out and shame the country.
Since Li Hongzhang was the pillar of the Qing Dynasty at that 
time, he would not easily let Japan win. So he planned a 
strategy to beat the Japanese. That was to keep all the 
warships inside the harbor and not leaving their docks, 
utilizing the advantage of geography and larger and longer 
Wikipedia has recorded: "The contrast between the offensive 
firepower of the Chinese Beiyang Navy and the Japanese joint 
fleet is as follows. The Beiyang Navy's ship speed is slightly 
lower, but the tonnage, firepower, armor, and heavy artillery 
were superior to the Japanese. If the right cannon 
ammunitions were used, it would inflict heavy damages on 
the Japanese warships."
But at the time, it was a bit like today's China, the ignorant 
and restless people derived their patriotic sentiments from 
their strong inferiority complex toward Japan.  This opened 
the door for many despicable opportunists to sell out China to 
the West.  Of course, if they could sell the whole of Asia, the 
profit will be much bigger. Therefore, unlike Li Hongzhang, 
who wanted to compete with Japan to see who could best 
save Asia, these opportunists wanted the warships to rush out 
the port to "kill the little Japanese devils".  As a result, the 
Japanese faster and rapid-firing gun boat annihilated the 
whole Qing fleet.
These "Asian traitors" regime-changed China to make it a 
governmentless and lawless land of warlords in 1911, then 
tried to exterminate Mao Zedong's peasant liberation army, 
and, in the Second World War, helped the West split Asia by 
poisoning the bloods between Chinese and Japanese, then 
sold out China to America, and finally caused Asia to be 
annihilated by America. Afterwards, they then brought in 
America to suppress Asia until today.
In the third major event, the Qing Dynasty started an 
anti-opium campaign even in its dying days.  An estimate of 
domestic production in China fell from 35,000 metric tons in 
1906 to 4,000 metric tons in 1911.  By the same year, the 
combination of foreign and domestic efforts proved largely 
successful, but the fall of the Qing government in 1911 
effectively meant the end of the anti-opium campaign.
In the next 38 years, opium was not reduced and back to rising 
instead, and even Japan could not resist the temptation of 
profits from opium trafficking.  Only until 1950, Mao Zedong 
incredibly eliminated opium. He thus truly inherited Qing's 
China and led us back to resume the position of big brother of 
But no matter how strong the root was,it still could be cut off, 
Just like the time Chiang Kai-shek helped America defeat 
Japan, Chiang got many of the most advanced weapons from 
America, so he was absolutely sure he could destroy Mao 
Zedong's peasant Liberation Army.  Chiang's army,  thus, 
started to defeat and chase the People's Liberation Army led 
by Marshal Lin Biao all the way to the city of Harbin in China's 
most northeast region. This time, there was no 
Japanese-controlled area to lend sanctuary to Mao's fleeing 
troops as it was at the end of the Long March. Lin Biao was 
sure to be wiped out.
As it's been said: "A friend in need is a friend indeed". That 
was how history has witnessed the true role Japan played in 
WWII. After surrendering, the Japanese Northeast Army not 
only did not follow the orders from Chiang Kai-shek to 
continue to fight the PLA, but also gave the PLA the Japanese 
weapons, and show PLA how to defeat Chiang Kai-shek's 
American weapons. We were also seeing that Japan's 
establishment of the Manchukuo was also a gesture of 
sincerity, and that Mao Zedong's incidental rescue of the China 
of the Qing Dynasty shared the same heart with that of Japan.
This time, Japan added fertilizer to the big dying tree that was 
China, so Marshal Lin Biao could stop the tree cutter Chiang 
Kai-shek in his traitor's work. In this way, Japan passed the 
burden of liberating Asia to Mao Zedong, that led him to 
liberate North Korea and Vietnam, and remind the Chinese 
people to not forget their brother Japan.
    Today, just like China's time immemorial, the Ming 
Dynasty inherited the Yuan Dynasty, the Qing Dynasty 
inherited the Ming Dynasty, and we, after inherited the Qing 
Dynasty, also have the grand responsibility, like our ancestors 
before us, to unify "all under heaven" . If Japan and North 
Korea are to be freed from America military occupation and 
the pending marginalization as small nations, China must join 
with them in one East Asian Community. And this is also the 
only way to bring lasting peace to the world. We know that 
we can do this because the root that the Qing dynasty planted 
for us is strong enough.